Inkisi river
At first glance, the name 'Inkisi' means 'the place where our charms rest' (n'kisi). In truth, the actual name of the Inkisi River is MALAWU. Indeed, Catholic priests mischievously took the artwork and Mpungu of the Batandu people and threw them into this body of water, which is why the locals later named it 'Nzadi Inkisi', or in French, the Inkisi River.
Stretching about 600 km, the Inkisi River originates from the Angolan plateau, in the northern part of the city of Uíge, at an altitude of 1270 meters. Within Angolan territory, the Inkisi is known as the Luquiche and serves as the boundary between several municipalities in Uíge Province. Its largest tributary in Angola is the Longo River, which extends its official length by 45 km. The river leaves Angola through the municipality of Zombo and enters the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) via the Kongo-Central province.
Upon entering Congo, the river first marks the territorial boundary between Madimba and Mbanza-Ngungu, and then between the latter and the Kasangulu region. It is joined by the waters of the Mfidi River, its main tributary in the DRC. The Mfidi River is primarily known for giving its name to the Mfidi Malele community in the Madimba region. The main towns along the Inkisi in the DRC are Kisantu, Inkisi, and Zongo. The latter is located not far from the confluence of the Inkisi and the Congo River at an altitude of 219 meters.
The river is also home to various types of crocodiles. As you walk along the banks, there's a one in three chance you'll spot one basking in the sun. In the Madimba territory, the Inkisi River is navigable from Kisantu to Ngidinga. From Kisantu SNEL to Kinshasa, navigation is not possible due to the presence of significant waterfalls and rapids.
The Inkisi is particularly famous for the renowned Zongo Falls, located less than three hours from Kinshasa.
Hydroelectric Production
The first hydroelectric plant to power the city of Kinshasa with electricity, the Sanga hydroelectric plant by the Sanga power forces, was built on the Inkisi River in 1923. The river also boasts the highest number of hydroelectric installations along the lower Congo River in the DRC. In total, there are three: Sanga (10MW), Zongo I (75MW), and Zongo II (150MW). The Inkisi, by its length, is also the largest tributary of the Congo River in the Lower Congo sub-basin.
The Inkisi River is home to many species of fish. --> InkisiRiverFishSpeciesPDF
Its main tributaries in the DRC include:
- Mfidi
- Lwidi
- Lukala
- Bengola
- Noa
- Ngeba
- Lukusu
- Mangola
- Mabeli
- Bisala
- Nsekusa
- Lungunga
- Kiala
- Mwanda
- Bemba
- Lungemba
- Lomba
- Kinkosi
- Kula
- Kimuada
- Nsinga
- Luva